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An immigration lawyer helps you move into a new country legally

Immigration lawyers in Boise and Nampa ID understand immigration law and can serve you right when planning a move into a new country. Moving to a new country can involve so many commitments; most people find the whole process overwhelming. It leaves room for one to make mistakes which can, in most cases, be costly.

Avoiding the pitfalls is necessary, so you should start by knowing what common mistakes most people make. Below is an outline of the immigration mistakes common for most first-timers.

Failing to complete paperwork

Incomplete paperwork is why most immigrant applications do not go through. There is so much detail that the immigration department will need, so you need to fill out the paperwork correctly and offer supporting evidence.

You can hire expert immigration lawyers to guide you through the process to make sure it goes through easily.

Not securing a Social Security Number before arrival in the US

Obtaining a Social Security Number (SSN) for any immigrant should be a top priority. The SSN is valid for getting a residence within the US, a driver’s license, and establishing credit. You will need it for an easy introduction to society.

You can only get the SSN as a non-citizen after authorization to work in the US.

Sending untranslated documents

For most people coming from non-English speaking countries, most of their documentation comes in different languages. Although you have to submit the originals, such documentation can be ineligible, so you need to translate them.

Translated documents require you to have a certificate indicating the translator’s competence. They also need to include their information (official details) on the certificate should the authorities need to run a background check.

Not signing your application

Failing to sign application documents seems like a far-fetched concern, but it happens; most immigrants are excited about the process and rush through it. A common issue with rushing is that they often forget to sign the application.

You need to gather all the necessary signs on your application forms. Some will require petitioners, beneficiaries, or sponsors to sign depending on the type of visa you get into the country.

Hire the best immigration lawyer in Boise and Nampa ID

Working with the best immigration lawyer in Boise and Nampa ID can make the immigration application less concerning. Their understanding of immigration law makes their advice sound enough to support the process.

Jacobson & Jacobson Law Firm, since 1982, is committed to serving the Boise and Nampa, Idaho areas for your topCriminal Defense,Personal Injury, Business Law, Estate Planning, Family Law, Immigration Law, and Litigation needs. Contact us today to get started.